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Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Express delivery service country marks

It's in proper order to divide a circumstance to certainly "check" to"accept"

  Before now of stipulated in the profession standard:"Acceptance's checking and accepting a person after the no objection should confirm a label to accept.Refuse what label accepts, the acceptance person should carry in the express delivery list up where to buy Discount Burberry Sunglasses note."But for how check and accept, the express delivery business enterprise and consumer has different comprehension.The consumer thinks to only open a quick piece and confirm inside the intact piece after having no Sun, so as to sign, so should"check first behind label";The express delivery business enterprise thinks that business enterprise is responsible for sending to pass, only the over-wrap is intact, as for inside the piece isn't a customer to want of, should be a customer and the problem of store, have nothing to do with business enterprise, so should"first label behind check".Both parties standpoint inconformity, cause a lot of affairses that complain and report taking place.

  The new standard that will soon carry out then had rules, the customer could request to dismantle first to wrap acceptance to sign again.China standardizes an institute for research associate researcher Yi reading once said, in concretely operating, the consignee should carry on acceptance to the over-wrap before accepting in the label and cautiously checked over-wrap to http://www.yoursunglass.com/Armani-Plank-sunglasses-AAA-c590.html have had no breakage, weight to have decrease or had afresh packing lead of trace.Such as over-wrap intact, the consignee should sign to confirm.But appear breakage to wait an excrescent circumstance to the over-wrap, the consignee should check and accept first inside the piece again the label accept, parties send a member should give a match.This means that the over-wrap has no breakage of, can first label behind check, but for the then needing of the packing breakage"check first behind label".Article source:www.yoursunglass.com
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Posted by fashionman123 at 2:23 AM EDT

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